Proud to belong with Euraw Stories

Every March the most multicultural city in Australia celebrates its diversity with Multicultural Diversity Week and we are joining in again, this year with a screening of The Citizen.

The festival theme for 2018, proud to belong, acknowledges that belonging is an achievement that has its challenges for newly arrived people and encourages sharing and embracing everyone’s cultural heritage.

We chose The Citizen because Wilson, the main character, is the perfect person to take you behind the scenes on the journey of a refugee trying to make a new home for himself. After losing his whole family to war in Guinea-Bissau, Wilson hopes to become a model Hungarian citizen. The film follows the trials, failures and successes in his journey.

Wilson is played by amateur actor Dr Marcelo Cake-Baly, whose story mirrors that of Wilson. Cake-Baly himself became a Hungarian citizen in 1995, after arriving in Hungary in 1976.

There is painful honesty, sorrow, but also humour, romanticism and sensibility in The Citizen. Join us for the screening at 5pm on Saturday 17 March in the ever stylish Loop Project Space & Bar.

Browse the Diversity Week program.



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