Nela Trifkovic discusses Kusturica at EuRaw Stories

Saray Iluminado‘s front woman, Nela Trifkovic, discusses the kaleidoscopic genius of Emir Kusturica this Saturday at EuRaw Stories.

Nela will introduce the film drawing on her artistic insight into Kusturica’s films, particularly the musical elements, as well as on her personal history of growing up in an often misunderstood and misinterpreted Yugoslavia, a country that pioneered the non-aligned movement.

Nela’s childhood was a miracle, as was her narrow escape from the war torn Bosnia in the 90s. Kusturica has a narrative of his own, as do his zany, unforgettable characters, that celebrate the survivors, the fighters, the kings, queens and misfits inside us all!

About Nela

You might remember Nela Trifkovic from her performance on our opening night. She is a Bosnian-Australian artist whose multi-faceted practice includes the disciplines of music, theatre, performance and installation art. She trained at WAAPA and VCA. A recipient of several grants and scholarships, Nela has performed and conducted research in Australia, Asia, Europe and USA. In the realm of folk music, Bosnian Sevdah and Sephardic Jewish songs are Nela’s greatest passion. They have been an integral part of her life and upbringing. These musical genres have inspired the formation of the ensemble Saray Iluminado, allowing Nela to gather a curious bunch of like-minded musical travellers and pursue life away from home by finding a home in song.

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